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  应管理与经济学院的邀请,美国国立卫生研究院资深研究员、Georgetown University兼职教授、泛华统计协会主席刘爱义(AiYi Liu)来必威·BETWAY进行交流访问,并于2018年6月26日上午在主楼216会议室进行了题为《On the Efficiency of Group Testing and Retesting for Estimating Rare Events》的学术报告,报告会由会计系李慧云教授主持。


  AiYi Liu首先介绍了他的研究成果,包括Group Testing及Retest的研究背景、理论基础、研究结果、实际应用等方面。之后的提问交流环节中,AiYi Liu耐心地解答了老师和同学们提出的问题,与大家进行了深入探讨。AiYi Liu与同学们分享了他的研究经验和心得体会,并就如何在管理、实证会计研究中应用统计知识、如何进行高水平研究及论文写作,提出了许多宝贵意见,得到了同学们的热情回应。

  整场交流活动内容丰富,在场的研究生收获颇丰。统计方法作为一种工具被广泛的用于管理、经济等众多领域。AiYi Liu从统计方法的重要性着手,提出了Group Testing及Retest可能在管理中的应用方向,不仅在理论上带给我们诸多启发,也对我们的实际研究提供了许多有价值的参考意见。


  AiYi Liu教授简介:

  Dr. Aiyi Liu is a senior investigator and current Acting Chief in the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Branch of the National Institute of Health and Human Development, USA. His research interests in statistical methods development center around sequential methodology and adaptive designs; robust methods for multidimensional outcomes, design, analysis; and methods for semicontinuous outcomes. Dr. Liu is an active member of several professional societies, including the American Statistical Association (ASA) and the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA). He is an elected fellow of ASA and is currently the president of ICSA. He is an adjunct professor in department of biostatistics, bioinformatics and biomathematics in Georgetown University. He has published over 160 papers in statistical research and is the recipient of a number of NIH and NICHD merit awards.