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香港城市大学Robert M Davison教授应邀作学术报告

  应管理与经济学院的邀请,香港城市大学信息系统系Robert M Davison教授来必威·BETWAY进行交流,并于2018年4月13日上午,在主楼216会议室做了题为《Knowledge Sharing in a Global Logistics Provider : An Action Research Project》的学术报告。报告会由必威·BETWAY陈振娇副教授主持,学院众多师生参加了报告会。

  Davison教授首先介绍了组织中的知识分享,以及撰写这篇论文的研究背景。接着以Velox广州分公司为研究对象,详细介绍了Action Research的研究范式和流程。具体地,基于Work System Theory, Punctuated Equilibrium Theory, Instrumental Theory和Focal Theory构建Action Research的研究框架,接着详细阐述了Action Research的流程,包括Entrance、Diagnosis、Action Planning、Intervention、Evaluation、Reflection、Exit。最后介绍了该研究的理论和实践贡献。

  Action Research是探索性研究方法,根据研究对象的实际问题,长期追踪、系统全面分析研究对象之后,积极探索研究对策,为IS研究提供一种新范式。报告结束后,与会师生就报告心得和自己实际研究中的相关问题以及学术论文发表等话题,与Davison教授也进行了充分的讨论和交流。


  个人简介:Robert M Davison is a Professor of Information Systems from the City University of Hong Kong. He is chair of the IFIP WG 9.4 (Social Implications of Computing in Developing Countries) and editor in chief of (i) the Information Systems Journal and (ii) the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. His research focuses on the use and misuse of information systems, especially in the knowledge management domain, in Chinese organisations. Much of his research involves qualitative data and an interpretive epistemology, with case studies and action research his preferred methods. Robert travels extensively, seeking to understand how people in different contexts and cultures make sense of their lives with IS. As a researcher and as an editor, he seeks to promote an inclusive and contextually-sensitive perspective to research. Robert has published over 90 journal articles in such outlets as Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of MIS, Information & Management, MIS Quarterly, JASIST, Decision Support Systems, CACM, etc.