报告人:东北大学闫佳祺 讲师(一级)
闫佳祺,东北大学工商必威BETWAY官方网站讲师(一级),同济大学管理学博士,悉尼大学管理学联合培养博士(国家留学基金委CSC公派),上海市优秀毕业生,沈阳市拔尖人才,国家自然科学基金委管理科学部二处同行评议专家,中国管理现代化研究会创业与中小企业管理专业委员会青年委员会理事,管理学学会(AOM)会员,2021管理学学会年会创业分论坛主席。担任 Human Relations (FT 50 杂志), Journal of Business Research, 《南开管理评论》,《管理学报》等国内外高水平杂志匿名审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社会科学基金、辽宁省社会科学规划基金、中国博士后科学基金等项目共8项,学术成果发表于International Journal of Hospitality Management(国际A+,入选全球前1%的ESI高被引论文,0.1%的ESI热点论文),Computers in Human Behavior, The Service Industries Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,International Journal of Manpower,Asian Business & Management,《南开管理评论》,《管理评论》,《科学学研究》,《科学学与科学技术管理》,《管理学报》。参与撰写资政建议专报获得上海市科学技术协会调研宣传部单篇采纳,并获得副部级领导批示。研究成果荣获中国冶金教育学会(国家一级学会)优秀学位论文,同济大学优秀博士学位论文,东北大学优秀硕士学位论文,第9届中国人力资源管理论坛曙明奖,第6届中国人力资源管理论坛优秀论文奖等学术奖励。
Despite being worldwide disaster, the COVID-19 pandemic has also provided an opportunity for renewed discussion about the way we work. By contextualizing in the early periods of China’s ending of lockdown policy on COVID-19, this paper offers evidence to respond to an essential discussion in the field of working from home (WFH): In terms of job performance, can WFH replace working from the office (WFO)? The present study compares job performance in terms of quality and productivity between WFH and WFO from 861 Chinese respondents using entropy balance matching, a quasi-experimental methodology. Results reveal that WFH enhances job performance in terms of job quality but lowers it in terms of job productivity. In addition, the present study aims to capture and empirically measure the variations in fundamental job characteristics in terms of job control and job demand between WFH and WFO by applying the job demand control support model. More specifically, we find that job control items, such as “talking right” and “work rate,” and job demand items, such as “a long time of intense concentration” and “hecticness of the job,” are vital factors that contribute to how these differences exert influence on employees’ performance under the context of the pandemic.