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【明理讲堂2021年第32期】6-10中国科学技术大学刘和福教授:How Can Platform Compete in Omni-channel Retailing?


腾讯会议号:【367 194 460】

报告题目:How Can Platform Compete in Omni-channel Retailing?  Considering the Role of Inter-Platform Function Usage Difference

报告人:中国科学技术大学 刘和福 教授


刘和福博士,中国科学技术大学必威BETWAY官方网站教授。ITP、IMDS、ECRA和ITM期刊副主编(Associate Editor)。研究领域包括供应链管理、IT价值创造、数字化商业模式、全渠道管理等。主持国家自然科学基金4项。其论文发表在了多个国际知名期刊,如Journal of Operations Management、Production and Operations Management、MIS Quarterly、Decision Support Systems等。论文已被Google学术引用3000多次, SCI/SSCI引用1000多次。


In omni-channel retailing, online retailers increasingly adopted the practice of online-to-offline channel integration (OOCI) for steering customers to their physical stores due to better customer experience and higher sales performance. This phenomenon generates great challenges for e-commerce platforms as their competitors not only involves the other platforms but also the retailer’s physical store. In order to figure out how can the focal platform deal with such situation, this study collected data from 248 online retailers who simultaneously have flagship stores in two dominant e-commerce platforms in China. By using propensity score matching and multilevel linear model, this study identifies the important role of retailer’s differential function usage strategy in multiple platforms. Specifically, online retailer’s OOCI practice (i.e., label the products as the same type in the physical store, buy online pick up in physical store) has negative influence on product sales performance in the focal platform. However, volume differentiation, category orientation differentiation and uniqueness can mitigate the negative influence of OOCI. The implications for platform owners and online retailers are further discussed.
