报告人:中国人民大学庞隽 副教授
庞隽,中国人民大学商学院市场营销系副教授,副系主任,北京大学光华必威BETWAY官方网站管理学博士。主要研究方向为新技术环境下的消费者心理与行为、社会因素对消费行为的影响、感官营销、跨文化消费心理与行为等。研究成果发表于Journal of Marketing,IMS Quarterly, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Journal of Consumer Psychology,Journal of Retailing,International Journal of Research in Marketing,Marketing Letters, 《南开管理评论》、《心理学报》、《营销科学学报》等国内外一流学术期刊。多项国家自然科学基金项目主持人,《营销科学学报》编委,Psychology & Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 《心理学报》、《营销科学学报》,《管理评论》等多个学术期刊的评审专家。
This research examines how purchase devices and product presentation (packaged versus unpackaged) jointly influence consumer choices on food. Across five studies with real behavior consequences, we show that direct-interface (vs. indirect-interface) devices increase consumer preference for packaged over unpackaged food products. The underlying process is that direct interactions with device screens create an illusion that one can physically touchfood products. This illusion raises concerns about food contamination to a greater extent for unpackaged food than for packaged food, which positively influence consumer preference for packaged food. Moreover, we show that the device effect is less salient when consumers purchase utilitarian (vs. hedonic) products, when they can (vs. cannot) customize products, and when the potential consumers are closer. These findings not only provide further evidence for the proposed mechanisms, and also identify the boundary conditions of the main effect.