题 目:Family Business in Japan Its Longevity and Dilution of the Family’s Ownership
主讲人:后藤俊夫(Toshio Goto) 教授 (日本经济大学)
时 间:2016年12月30日下午2:00
地 点:主楼418
后藤教授拥有东京大学的经济学学士学位和哈佛大学的工商管理硕士学位。他的研究集中在企业可持续增长的战略领域,并且多年从事家族企业的研究。2011 年4 月,他被日本经济大学任命为东京涩谷校区必威BETWAY官方网站第一任院长。他的商业背景主要包括在日本和美国的营销、销售、创业企业与战略管理。凭借深厚的专业知识,后藤教授率先在日本开展家族企业研究,并积极参与 IFERA(国际家族企业学会)的学术活动,重点关注家族企业的寿命与继承。他曾被邀请在新加坡、阿姆斯特丹及其他国际性都市进行主题演讲。后藤教授的最新著作之一为《家族企业长寿的秘密:帮助企业富过三代》。 日本最主要的经济报纸《日本经济新闻》曾在 2009 年刊登了关于后藤教授撰写的家族企业现状及其挑战的长篇文章。并且,后藤教授的文章经常被刊登在《日刊工业新闻社》。此外,还在韩国(KBS)和哥伦比亚的主要电视媒体及报纸进行过发表。他还是日本汤岛圣堂的理事,百年经营研究机构的代表理事,日本外国记者俱乐部(FCCJ)的会员。
This presentation gives a bird-eye’s view of the family business in Japan, with focus on its longevity and the dilution of the family’s ownership as one of the major factors to negatively impact on the longevity of the family business.
First part of the presentation gives an overview of the long-lived private institutions both in Japan and the rest of the world. The proprietary database, compiled by the speaker in the last seventeen years since 1999, shows the total number of the private institutions surviving at least a century & centuries, relative magnitude of the centennial private institutions, and the ten oldest and surviving private institutions in the world, all of which shows Japan exceeds other countries. The rest of the first half presents supplemental data about the centennial firms in Japan.
Second part of the presentation focuses on the dilution of the family’s ownership as one of the major factors to negatively impact on the longevity of the family business. The analysis of all listed family firms reveals that family firms take 53.1% of them and the listed family firms outperform the listed non- family firms in the profitability, stability and the growth rate between 2009 & 2014CY.
The rest of the second half presents the analysis of the listed family firms and the family’s influence both in the ownership and management. Based upon the analysis, the speaker proposes a model of the dilution of the family’ influence, and the concepts of gravity and resistance power.
The speaker concludes that family firms are destined to lose the family’s influence upon them, which eventually transforms them to non-family firms if the gravity exceeds the resistance power. The unique longevity of the family firms in Japan is the outcome of the conscious and continuous efforts of the family firms there to maintain the family’ influence both in the ownership and management of the family firms both by lowering the gravity and maintaining the resistance power.