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12-28 美国约翰斯霍普金斯大学助理教授孙娴学术讲座:Economic Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility

题目:Economic Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility 

主讲人:孙娴 助理教授(美国约翰斯霍普金斯大学)




    孙娴,现任教于约翰霍普金斯大学必威BETWAY官方网站金融助理教授。2000年毕业于上海交通大学, 获金融,科技外语双学士学位。2000年赴美就读于任斯利尔理工大学。于2002年获MBA学位,2006年获金融博士学位。博士毕业论文获当年最佳论文奖。毕业后任职于美国货币监督署风险分析部, 为该部的资深经济学者。2009年被约翰霍普金斯大学必威BETWAY官方网站录用为金融助理教授。已在一流金融研究期刊,等发表多篇文章。研究方向:新兴金融市场研究,公司合购并购,公司国际发展策略,公司上市研究,CEO的佣金设计与影响,公司债权合同研究,金融市场风险与稳定研究等。


    Our research suggests that firms see reducing or increasing their CSR concerns as an investment decision, and thus condition these concerns on the availability of economic resources. Thus, increases in resources reduce CSR concerns while decreases in resources increase them. The relative impact of wealth on CSR concerns, however, depends on several organizational variables that influence the structure of a firm’s investment hierarchy. Furthermore, based on prospect theory, we show that firm reactions to increases and decreases in resources are not symmetric: wealth gains reduce CSR concerns, but wealth losses increase CSR concerns even more markedly.

