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12-21 清华大学经济必威BETWAY官方网站助理教授梁湧博士学术讲座:Joint Planning of Wind Energy Storage and Transmission

题目:Joint Planning of Wind Energy Storage and Transmission

主讲人:梁湧 助理教授(清华大学经济必威BETWAY官方网站)




    梁湧,清华大学经济必威BETWAY官方网站管理科学与工程系助理教授。2005年获得清华大学学士学位,2008年获得普渡大学硕士学位,2013获得加州大学伯克利分校工业工程及运筹学博士学位。加入清华大学之前,曾在谷歌公司任职并领导对数据中心相关优化问题的研究。主要研究领域为动态规划、随机优化、鲁棒优化理论以及在运营管理中的应用;能源经济、能源市场、智能电网用户端最优控制;供应链管理。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。研究成果发表在OR、OMEGA、 IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid、Energy Journal等期刊上。


    Regions with abundant wind resources usually have no ready access to the existing electric grid. However, building transmission lines that instantaneously deliver all geographically distributed wind energy can be costly. Energy storage (ES) systems can help reduce the cost of bridging wind farms and grid, and mitigate the intermittency of wind outputs. In this paper, we propose models of transmission network planning with co-location of ES systems. Our models determine the sizes and sites of ES systems as well as the associated topology and capacity of the transmission network under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) policy instrument. We first formulate a location model as a mixed integer second-order-conic program (MISOCP) to solve for the ES-transmission network design with uncapacitated storage. Then we propose a method to choose ES sizes by deriving a closed-form upper bound. The major insight is that, in most cases, using even small-sized ES systems can significantly reduce the total expected cost, but their marginal values diminish faster than those of the transmission lines as their capacities expand. Despite uncertainties in climate, technologies and construction costs, the cost-ecient infrastructure layout is remarkably robust. We also identify the major bottleneck cost factors for different forms of ES technologies. 

