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12-21 北京大学涂云东助理教授讲座:Adaptive Estimation of Functional-coefficient Cointegration Models with Nonstationary Volatility

题目:Adaptive Estimation of Functional-coefficient Cointegration Models with Nonstationary Volatility

主讲人:涂云东 助理教授 (北京大学)



     涂云东,北京大学光华必威BETWAY官方网站商务统计与经济计量系和北京大学统计科学中心联席助理教授,研究员。2012年获美国加州大学河滨分校经济学博士学位,同年6月加入北大光华。学术论文发表在Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Reviews, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Statistica Sinica等国际一流专业杂志。理论研究领域涵盖非参数/半参数计量经济模型,模型选择和模型平均,网络数据建模,金融计量,信息计量经济学,模型设定检验等;应用研究包含宏观经济预测,价格指数建模,网络数据分析,股票市场预测,生产率建模等。

    This paper analyzes functional-coefficient cointegration models with nonstationary (unconditional) volatility of a general form. The kernel weighted least squares (KLS) estimator of Xiao (2009) is subject to potential efficiency loss, and can be improved by an adaptive kernel weighted least squares (AKLS) estimator that adapts to heteroscedasticity of unknown form. The AKLS estimator is shown to be as efficient as the generalized kernel weighted least squares estimator asymptotically, and can achieve significant efficiency gain relative to the KLS estimator in finite samples. An illustrative example is provided by investigating the purchasing power parity hypothesis.

