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10-19康奈尔大学达森应用经济与必威BETWAY官方网站终身职副教授李善军学术报告:地方保护主义、市场结构和社会福利: 基于中国汽车市场的实证分析

主讲人:李善军 教授 (康奈尔大学达森应用经济与必威BETWAY官方网站)
    李善军目前担任康奈尔大学达森应用经济与必威BETWAY官方网站终身职副教授 (http://li.dyson.cornell.edu),康奈尔大学中国经济研究所主任 (http://china.dyson.cornell.edu)。李善军教授本科毕业于南开大学国际经济系,2007年在美国杜克大学取得经济学博士学位。他的研究领域包括环境与能源经济学,产业组织,和应用计量经济学。李善军教授于2009至2011年在环境与能源经济学的国际顶级智库-未来资源研究所-担任研究员。李善军教授目前担任环境与资源经济学会的会刊Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists的共同主编(co-editor), 国际期刊Resource and Energy Economics的副主编(associate editor)。另外,他还是Journal of Environmental Economics and Management的编委会成员(member of the editorial board)。
    While China has made great strides in transforming its centrally-planned economy to a market-oriented economy, there still exist widespread interregional trade barriers, such as policies and practices that protect local firms against competition from non-local firms. This study documents the presence of local protectionism and quantifies its impacts on market competition and social welfare in the context of China’s automobile market, the largest automobile market in the world. Using the census of vehicle registration records, we show that joint ventures (JVs) and especially state-owned enterprises (SOEs) command much higher market shares in their headquarter province than at the national level. Results from a spatial regression discontinuity analysis at provincial borders and falsification tests suggest that this pattern is not driven by differences in consumer preference or dealer network and point to local protectionism such as subsidies of local brands as the leading contributing factor. We then set up and estimate a market equilibrium model to quantify the impact of local protectionism, controlling for other demand and supply factors. The counterfactual simulations show that local protectionism leads to significant consumer welfare loss arising from choice distortions while benefits JVs and SOEs. In the long run, local protectionism could have important impacts on market structure such as firm entry and exit as well as resource allocation across regions.

