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7-7荷兰莱顿大学博士(玛丽居里学者)宋兰:Scientific Publishing: From the Inside Out

  报告时间:2019年7月7日(周日)下午 2:00-4:00

  报告地点:主楼 6楼(能源与环境政策研究中心)

  报告人 :宋兰

  内容摘要 :

  论文写作│投稿技巧│论文影响│编辑攻略 在本次报告中,我们将一起探讨科学出版,杂志选取和论文影响力提升的相关技巧。此外,我们还将从出版人的角度介绍如果才能参与到国际期刊的编辑队伍中,与期刊一起成长。


  宋兰,荷兰莱顿大学博士(玛丽居里学者),丹麦科技大学硕士。英国艾克斯特大学和西班牙国家农业和食品研究与技术研究所访问学者。2015年加入爱思唯尔任环境科学与健康方向SCI杂志总编辑,支持包括Environmental Pollution, Environment International, Chemosphere等杂志的运作和发展。现为爱思唯尔荷兰总部出版人, 负责环境科学与工程方向12个SCI 期刊,包括Aquatic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Journal of Cleaner Production, Remote Sensing of Environment, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation等。管理超过 120位来自顶尖大学/研究所的国际编辑, 主要负责期刊预算, 编辑招聘, 编辑管理, 新期刊的创立, 社交媒体传播和产品创新。使用数据分析绘制市场需求和设定战略规划; 在美国, 欧洲和亚洲国家的大学策划并举办 30 多场研讨会。 Dr. Lan Song graduated from Leiden University as a Marie Curie fellow. She was a visiting researcher at the Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) in 2011, and a visiting researcher at Exeter University in 2014. After her PhD, Lan continued her career adventure in Elsevier B.V. as a managing editor for Environmental and Health journals. Her role was to facilitate the growth and development of Environmental Pollution, Environment International, Chemosphere and other related journals. Currently, she is the publisher for 12 international journals in Environmental Science and Technology field, including Aquatic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Journal of Cleaner Production, Remote Sensing of Environment, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation etc. She establishes, manages and maintains excellent contacts and networks with key internal and external stakeholders, including more than 120 editors from top Universities/Institutes. She is responsible for editorial recruitment, editorial fees budget management, strategical planning for journals, product innovation and social media communication. She chaired 30+ author workshops worldwide.
