报告人:Jaehyun Park
Jaehyun Park现任东京工业大学工程必威BETWAY官方网站工业工程与经济系助理教授,2013年博士毕业于美国凯斯西储大学信息系统方向,主要从事数字创新、用户体验、服务设计、智能工作、智能城市等相关研究工作。已经在Journal of Knowledge Management、Sustainability、Information & Management、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing等期刊发表十几篇论文,并主持日本学术振兴会(JSPS)等科研项目。Jaehyun Park助理教授现担任Information & Management (I&M)特刊特邀编辑和Asia Pacifc Journal of Information Systems (APJIS)副主编,且多次担任PACIS的分会主席、European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) 、Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)和International Journal of Information Management (IJIM)的审稿人。
We have encountered that managers are designers who enable an organization to operate successfully in changing environments. Their roles are to identify complex social problems, and to synthesize new ideas and solutions in a digital society. Being a smart, competent manager requires a practical, organizational knowledge of business, of technology, and of design practices and techniques. This workshop explores design as a new practice in engineering and management education that serves the need for identifying innovation opportunities in all types of organizations. It is an art of business-design course series, focusing on a project-based learning that develops design skills in the context of engineering and management. Therefore, this workshop is designed to provide two things: the first is to understand and analyze the multiple, complex problems of information, systems, and design that you will encounter as a manager; the second is to identify opportunities for designing better ones by a design thinking approach。