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12-20 美国Syracuse University Liang Lihong教授: Market Perceptions of the Informational and Comparability Effects of Fair Value Reporting for Tangible Assets: US and Cross-Country Evidence

  主讲人:Liang Lihong




  Liang Lihong,Syracuse University商学院会计系副教授(终身教职)、博士生导师,美国Georgetown University)访问副教授。曾任教于George Washington University商学院会计系。她本科毕业于北京工业大学管理工程系,于美国Pennsylvania State University获得会计学博士和硕士学位。主要讲授课程:会计学原理和中级会计(本科、硕士、MBA)。曾获美国乔治华盛顿大学教学优秀奖等多种奖项和基金。梁丽红教授专注财务会计,金融市场信息利用、股票分析师行为金融市场信息利用、股票分析师行为领域学术研究,研究成果已在The Accounting Review,Contemporary Accounting Research,Review of Accounting Studies,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,Accounting Horizons, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting等国际学术杂志上上发表。梁丽红教授担任的学术兼职包括:现任Asian Review of Accounting客座主编, Contemporary Accounting Research,Review of Accounting Studies,Management Science等期刊和会议匿名审稿人等。


  This paper examines equity market perceptions of fair value reporting for tangible assets.  We identify six events—four designated as increasing, two as decreasing—affecting the likelihood of US adoption of fairvalue reporting for investment property (i.e., real estate) assets, one of the largest asset classes in the world.  Fair value adoption would facilitate convergence of US reporting for this asset (which currently requires depreciated historical cost) withIFRS (which requires either recognition or disclosure of fair values).  Using a sample of US investment property firms, we document a significantly positive market reaction for movement towards fair value reporting.  Consistent with cross-sectional predictions,we find this reaction is increasing for firms with greater commitment to high quality reporting, greater investor demand for fair values and convergence with international standards, and staler asset values.  Using a sample of non-US investment property firms,we again document a positive market reaction for these non-US firms to the increased likelihood of fair value adoption in the US.  We infer the results for the US (non-US) sample as consistent with anticipated net benefits from movement towards fair valuedue to expected improvements in information and/or comparability (comparability only—as the non-US firms already report fair values). 
