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9-10香港城市大学商学院副院长、资讯系统系终身教授王伟泉:Recommendation Neutrality: A Program of Research

  标题: Recommendation Neutrality: A Program of Research

  时间:9月10日 下午2:30-4:00



  王伟泉是香港城市大学资讯系统系教授(终身)、商学院副院长。他在加拿大University of British Columbia获得博士学位,他于清华大学获得本科和硕士学位。王伟泉教授的研究主要集中于信息技术和电子商务的行为、管理等方向。他的一些研研究项目主要包括:电子商务中的信任问题,在线社交网络中的隐私问题,在线智能推荐与用户采纳,企业对电子交易市场和社交媒体的使用,等等。王伟泉教授的论文曾发表在国际信息系统领域内最顶尖的三本学术刊物:“Management Information Systems Quarterly” (MISQ,管理信息系统季刊) , “Information Systems Research”(ISR,信息系统研究),和“Journal of Management Information System” (JMIS,管理信息系统学报),以及“Management Science”(管理科学学报)等其他国际顶级学术刊物。王伟泉博士曾任“Management Information Systems Quarterly” (MISQ,管理信息系统季刊)(http://www.misq.org/)的副编辑(Associate Editor)(2012-2015)。


  This research program extends the extant research on neutral recommendation agents (RAs) to those that lack recommendation neutrality and are biased toward sponsors. Sponsorship disclosure is enforced by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, but many technologies fail to comply probably because of their concerns on users’ trust in the biased technologies. By applying the theoretical perspectives of psychological contract violation and knowledge-based trust, we intend to reveal when sponsorship disclosure is most effective in enhancing users’ perceived RA integrity. We also investigate the effects of recommendation neutrality and sponsorship disclosure on users’ trust and distrust in RAs. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to collect data. In the talk, I will present two papers that were recently accepted by Management Science and Information Systems Research. The two papers report the main findings from this research program on recommendation neutrality.
