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5-21香港城市大学张晓玲副教授讲座:Does Belt and Road Initiative contribute to local and global sustainability? Taking the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) of 60 B&R countries as an example

  报告题目(Title):Does Belt and Road Initiative contribute to local and global sustainability? Taking the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) of 60 B&R countries as an example


  报告时间(Time):2018年5月21日 (周一) 下午3:00-5:30


  报告地点(Venue):主楼6 楼(能源与环境政策研究中心)


  报告人(Speaker)): Dr. Xiaoling Zhang (City University of Hong Kong)



  Before evaluating the challenges and risks accompanying the BRI projects, it is crucial to understand how involved BRI countries are doing in current global sustainability map. Can we accomplish a sustainable BRI? This paper intends to calculates the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) of 60 B&R countries during 1995-2015 by data envelopment analysis (DEA), investigating the conditional TFEE convergence between B&R countries relative to 15 European Union countries (EU-15) by panel quantile regression, and analyzing the change of convergence with the change in TFEE growth for relatively high- and low-income B&R countries. In the end, we ask, how the BRI can work as a golden opportunity for the world to redress the global North-South power dynamics that have been dominating the world in the past 200 years?

  And how through the BRI all countries and global partners can explore and ensure mutual accountability driving “Globalization 2.0” bilaterally through the BRI 2.0?



  张晓玲,香港城市大学博士生导师,副教授(终身教职),香港城市大学深圳研究院研究员,中华建设管理研究会副秘书长,中国区域可持续发展专业委员会副主任。曾在香港大学和香港理工大学任职。张晓玲博士非常注重学科交融与跨学科研究探索,主要研究方向为:大数据视角下的可持续发展科学, 能源经济及管理, 区域可持续发展与转型,企业环境管理与创新, 可持续城镇化,地产及建筑企业可持续竞争优势等。现已在Applied Energy,Energy Policy, IJPM等发表近130 篇 SCI/SSCI 学术论文, 迄今为止被引用总计2829次(Googlescholar), H指数为26, Research Gate 指数是 41.60。并获得香港城市大学“校长嘉许奖”和“杰出青年研究学者奖”。曾应邀赴剑桥大学等多所海内外知名学府做短期的学术交流。目前正作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金、香港研究资助局及香港环境署的多个项目;并同时担任多个SCI及SSCI国际刊物的编委及编审工作。