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11-5 Operational roles of retail bundling and its implications in a supply chain

题目:Operational roles of retail bundling and its implications in a supply chain

主讲人:曹庆宁 副教授 博士

摘要:We study the impacts of bundling on a supply chain where a retailer orders a primary product from a manufacturer before demand uncertainty materializes, and can retail it in a bundle with a secondary product after demand uncertainty materializes. Our findings reveal three effects of bundling. First, bundling can help a retailer mitigate the adverse consequences of demand uncertainty in the primary product and price-discriminate customers of the secondary product. Second, bundling can lower a retailer's wholesale-price elasticity and partitions a retailer's ordering decision into no-bundling and bundling regions, between which there is a drop in a retailer's optimal order quantity. Third, unexpectedly, it is optimal for a manufacturer to decrease the wholesale price when a retailer bundles. Based on these three effects, our analyses show that, although bundling has been a concern to some major manufacturers, the manufacturer always benefits from bundling, while retailer profit may decrease from bundling.
简介:曹庆宁,中国科学技术大学副教授。于美国University of Texas at Dallas取得管理学博士学位,在加入中国科学技术大学之前曾于美国Vanderbilt University从事科研和教学工作。曹博士主要采用定量方法研究企业供应链管理,市场营销创新及渠道管理,以及零售业管理策略和创新。其研究成果被Production and Operations Management 和Journal of Retailing 等国际权威期刊收录。曹博士曾多次受邀为POM、INFORMS主持分会和做报告,并多次担任M&SOM,POM等国际知名期刊的特约审稿人。