题目:Agroecology as a pathway to climate change adaptation and mitigation
地点:946-242-889 (腾讯会议)
时 间: 2024年10月24日(周四)下午3点
报告人:Prof. Dr. Pablo Tittonell (University of Groningen)
Agroecology is the use of ecological and social principles for the design and management of sustainable food systems. Agroecology is gaining momentum worldwide in the research, development and policy arenas. Using examples worldwide, the lecture will explore the potential of agroecology to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Pablo Tittonell is Professor of Agroecology and Sustainable Landscapes at the
University of Groningen, and Senior associate researcher at the French International
Cooperation Centre for Agricultural Research and Development (CIRAD). He holds a
WWF-endowed Chair on Resilient Landscapes for Nature and People at the
Groningen Institute of Evolutionary Life Sciences, and has been nominated Principal
Research Scientist by Argentina’s National Council for Science and Technology
(CONICET) since 2017, formerly with a seat at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología
Agropecuaria (INTA), in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.
He is an agronomist by training and worked both in the private sector and in academic/research organizations. His recent areas of interest include human-nature interactions in multifunctional landscapes, and their adaptation to global change. He participated in a diversity of research, development and education projects around the world on design, resilience and adaptation of farming systems, with a focus on interacting social-ecological processes.
(承办:管理与工程系 能源与环境政策研究中心)