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李想,2008年毕业于清华大学获得运筹学与控制论专业博士学位,现任betway唯一官网教授/博导;入选“国家青拔”“国家优青”“教育部新世纪优秀人才”“斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家”;现任International Journal of General Systems (SCI) 主编、Omega (SCI/SSCI) 副主编、Transportmetrica B (SCI/SSCI) 副主编、Computers & Operations Research (SCI) 编委、《运筹与管理》编委、《系统工程学报》编委、中国管理科学与工程学会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会理事、中国运筹学会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会船海经济管理分会副理事长、中国运筹学会不确定系统分会副理事长等。


地 址:必威BETWAY官方网站

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E-mail: 6120240105@bit.edu.cn



[1] 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目:“地铁+”格局下城市区域交通运营管理理论与方法,No. W2411066,200万,2025-2029

[2] 国家自然科学基金铁路创新发展联合基金项目:煤炭绿色运输组织优化理论与评价方法,No. U2469202,200万,2025-2028

[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:共享交通方式的运营管理理论与方法,No. 71931001,240万,2020-2024

[4] 国家万人计划青年拔尖人才计划项目:大数据驱动的城市交通协同决策方法及应用,50万,2021-2024

[5] 北京市科技新星计划交叉合作项目:网约车运营群体事件的数智化治理,No. 20230484421,50万,2023-2025

[6] 国家自然科学基金优青项目:地铁节能管理,No. 71722007,130万,2018-2020

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市轨道交通节能型列车运行计划集成优化方法,No. 71371027,57.5万,2014-2017

[8] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于随机优化理论的列车节能操纵问题研究,No. 71101007,20万,2012-2014

[9] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目:城市轨道交通节能型运营管理,No. NCET-13-0649 ,20万

[10] 北京市科技新星计划项目:北京市轨道交通节能驾驶辅助系统关键算法研究,No. Z14111000180000,35万


[1] Li X, Credibilistic Programming, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2013.

[2] Li X, and Yang X, Subway Energy-Efficient Management, Springer-Verlag, 2020.


[1] Zhao YW, Feng ZY, and Li X, Transfer-based customized bus network design with holding control and heterogeneous fleet, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2024.3498315

[2] Chen L, Dong T, Li X, and Xu XF, Logistics engineering management in the platform supply chain: An overview from logistics service strategy selection perspective, Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.12.032

[3] Ma HG, Yang RC, and Li X, Delivery routing for a mixed fleet of conventional and electric vehicles with road restrictions, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2024.2324054

[4] Li X, and Ge JY, Wild goose chase or not? Equilibrium in a hybrid ride-hailing market, Transport Policy, Vol.160, 73-88, 2025

[5] Zhou C, Li X, and Feng B, Build or cooperate with a bike-sharing system? Operation mode selection of metro operator with different information sharing strategies, Omega, Vol.133, 103263, 2024

[6] Li Y, Zhao RQ, Li X, and Choi TM, Fine-tuning of AI managers' logic in a supply chain with competing retailers, Decision Sciences, Vol.55, No.6, 639-652, 2024

[7] Li X, Zhao YW, and Feng ZY, Customized bus service design with holding control and heterogeneous fleet: A column-generation-based decomposition algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.25, No.12, 19563-19580, 2024

[8] Xu XF, Lin ZR, Li X, Yi WL, and Witold Pedrycz, Flexible districting policy for the multiperiod emergency resource allocation problem with demand priority, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol.54, No.11, 6977-6988, 2024

[9] Feng ZY, Li X, Wu JJ, and Chang XM, Transport capacity optimization for high-speed rail network considering flexible train composition and additional capacity pool, Information Sciences, Vol.680, 121175, 2024

[10] Nie FP, Li X, and Zhou C, Impact of privacy regulation involving information collection on the ride-hailing market, Omega, Vol.126, 103077, 2024

[11] Li X, Chen N, Ma HG, Nie FP, and Wang XZ, A parallel genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem in forest fire-fighting, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.25, No.10, 14359-14375, 2024

[12] Liu Y, Qin ZF, and Li X, Are the queueing systems in practice random or uncertain? Evidence from online car-hailing data in Beijing, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.23, 497-511, 2024

[13] Li X, An XJ, and Zhang BW, Minimizing passenger waiting time in the multi-route bus fleet allocation problem through distributionally robust optimization and reinforcement learning, Computers & Operations Research, Vol.164, 106568, 2024

[14] Li X, Wang XZ, and Feng ZY, Dynamic repositioning in bike-sharing systems with uncertain demand: An improved rolling horizon framework, Omega, Vol.126, 103047, 2024

[15] Zhang BW, Li X, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Dealing with congestion in the optimization of locating single-server battery swapping stations, Information Sciences, Vol.666, 120426, 2024

[16] Zhang SC, Li X, Yuan X, Liu JM, Peng JL, and Li DM, Optimising the flight turnaround schedules: an improved sliding time windows approach based on MILP and CP models, Computers & Operations Research, Vol.171, 106433, 2024

[17] Hu H, Li X, Ha MH, Wang XS, Shang CJ, and Shen Q, Multi-depot vehicle routing programming for hazmat transportation with weight variation risk, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol.11, No.1, 1136-1160, 2023

[18] Zhou C, Li X, and Chen LJ, Modelling the effects of metro and bike-sharing cooperation: Cost-sharing mode vs information-sharing mode, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.261, 108842, 2023

[19] Zhou C, Li X, and Chen LJ, Impact of negotiation on subsidy scheme to incentivize the integrated use of metro and ride-hailing services, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Vol.27, No.10, 1870-1890, 2023

[20] Li X, Pan ZH, Ma HG, and Zhang BW, Neural network-based subway regenerative energy optimization with variable headway constraints, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.24, No.9, 9698-9711, 2023

[21] Yang M, Ma HG, Li X, Shang CJ, and Shen Q, Bus bridging for rail disruptions: A distributionally robust fuzzy optimization approach, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.31, No.2, 500-510, 2023

[22] Zhang Y, Li X, and Ma HG, Can ride-hailing platforms be immune to dual-fairness concerns? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.70, No.3, 1124-1146, 2023.

[23] Xu XF, Lin ZR, Li X, Shang CJ, and Shen Q, Multi-objective robust optimization model for MDVRPLS in refined oil distribution, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.60, No.22, 6772-6792, 2022.

[24] Chen ZH, Lan YF, Li X, and Shang CJ, Quality management by warranty contract under dual asymmetric information, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.69, No.4, 1022-1036, 2022.

[25] Wang J, Wang K, Li X, and Zhao RQ, Suppliers’ trade credit strategies with transparent credit ratings: Null, exclusive, and nonchalant provision, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.297, No.1, 153-163, 2022.

[26] Huang ZH, Wang DJ, Yin YQ, and Li X, A spatiotemporal bidirectional attention based ride-hailing demand prediction model: A case study in Beijing during COVID-19, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.23, No.12, 25115-25126, 2022.

[27] Li X, Yang M, Ma HG, and Yu KT, Data-driven bus timetabling with spatial-temporal travel time, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.122, No.10, 2281-2298, 2022.

[28] Zhang BW, Li X, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Free-floating bike-sharing systems: New repositioning rules, optimization models and solution algorithms, Information Sciences, Vol.600, 239-262, 2022.

[29] Zhang SC, Zhao XY, Li X, and Yu HT, Heterogeneous fleet management for one-way electric carsharing system with optional orders, vehicle relocation and on-demand recharging, Computers and Operations Research, Vol.145, 105868, 2022.

[30] Ma HG, Yang M, and Li X, Integrated optimization of customized bus routes and timetables with consideration of holding control, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.175, 108886, 2022.

[31] Li X, Fan HY, Liu JM, and Xun QF, Staff scheduling in blood collection problems, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.316, 365-400, 2022.

[32] Li X, Zhang TY, Wang L, Ma HG, and Zhao XD, A minimax regret model for the leader-follower facility location problem, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.309, 861-882, 2022.

[33] Du JM, Zhou JD, Li X, Li L, and Guo A, Integrated self-driving travel scheme planning, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.232, 107963, 2021.

[34] Li X, Zhang BW, and Liu YN, A little bit flexibility on headway distribution is enough: Data-driven optimization of subway regenerative energy, Information Sciences, Vol.554, 276-296, 2021.

[35] Li YN, Li X, and Zhang SC, Optimal pricing of customised bus services and ride-sharing based on a competitive game model, Omega, Vol.103, 102413, 2021.

[36] Zhou JD, Li X, Zhao XD, and Wang L, Driving performance grading and analytics: Learning internal indicators and external factors from multi-source data, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.121, No.12, 2530-2570, 2021.

[37] Zhang Y, Li X, Wang L, Zhao XD, and Gao JW, Financing capital-constrained third party logistic firms: fourth party logistic driven financing mode vs. private lending driven financing mode, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 60, No. 9, 2963-2982, 2021.

[38] Hu H, Du JM, Li X, Shang CJ, and Shen Q, Risk models for hazardous material transportation subject to weight variation considerations, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.29, No.8, 2271-2281, 2021.

[39] Zhang SC, Li X, Zhang BW, and Wang SY, Multi-objective optimisation in flexible assembly job shop scheduling using a distributed ant colony system, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.283, No.2, 441-460, 2020.

[40] Ding PQ, Zhao ZY, and Li X, Government subsidies in the power battery recycling industry, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.120, No.6, 1059-1083, 2020.

[41] Zhang W, Li X, Li J, Yang Y, and Yoshida T, A two-stage rating prediction approach based on matrix clustering on implicit information, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Vol.7, No.2, 517-535, 2020.

[42] Ma HG, Li X, and Yu HT, Single bus line timetable optimization with big data: A case study in Beijing, Information Sciences, Vol.536, 53-66, 2020.

[43] Li X, Liu XX, Ma HG, and Hu ST, Integrated routing optimization for post-disaster rapid-detailed need assessment, International Journal of General Systems, Vol.49, No.5, 521-545, 2020.

[44] Jiang B, Lio WC, and Li X, An uncertain DEA model for scale efficiency evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.27, No.8, 1616-1624, 2019.

[45] Fan J, Yu LA, Li X, Shang CJ, and Ha MH, Reliable location allocation for hazardous materials, Information Sciences, Vol.501, 688-707, 2019.

[46] Bai XJ, Li X, Jia RR, and Liu YK, A distributionally robust credibilistic optimization method for the economic-environmental-energy-social sustainability problem, Information Sciences, Vol.501, 1-18, 2019.

[47] Hu H, Li X, Zhang YY, Shang CJ, and Zhang SC, Multi-objective location-routing model for hazardous material logistics with traffic restriction constraint in inter-city roads, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.128, 861-876, 2019.

[48] Yang H, Li X, and Yang X, Mean-variance model for timetable optimization in urban rail transit systems, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol.232, No.4, 1005-1020, 2018.

[49] Su S, Tang T, and Li X, Driving strategy optimization for trains in subway systems, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol.232, No.2, 369-383, 2018.

[50] Ma HG, and Li X, Closed-loop supply chain network design for hazardous products with uncertain demands and returns, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.62, 889-899, 2018.

[51] Guo SN, Li X, Ching WK, Dan R, Li WK, and Zhang ZW, GPS trajectory data segmentation based on probabilistic logic, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol.103, 227-247, 2018

[52] Du JM, Li X, Yu LA, and Ralescu D, Multi-depot vehicle routing problem for hazardous materials transportation: A fuzzy bilevel programming, Information Sciences, Vol.399, 201-218, 2017.

[53] Yang X, Li X, Ning B, and Tang T, A survey on energy-efficient train operation for urban rail transit, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.17, No.1, 2-13, 2016.

[54] Du JM, Yu LA, and Li X, Fuzzy multi-objective chance-constrained programming model for hazardous materials transportation, International Journal of General Systems, Vol.45, No.3, 286-310, 2016.

[55] Li X, Zhou JD, and Zhao XD, Travel itinerary problem, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.91, 332-343, 2016.

[56] Guo SN, Yu LA, and Li X, Fuzzy multi-period portfolio selection with different investment horizons,European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.254, 1026-1035, 2016.

[57] Zhou JD, Li X, and Pedrycz W, Mean-semi-entropy models of fuzzy portfolio selection, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.24, No.6, 1627-1636, 2016.

[58] Li X, Guo SN, and Yu LA, Skewness of fuzzy numbers and its applications in portfolio selection, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.23, No.6, 2135-2143, 2015.

[59] Li X, A numerical-integration-based simulation algorithm for expected values of strictly monotone functions of ordinary fuzzy variables, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.23, No.4, 964-972, 2015.

[60] Yang X, Chen A, Li X, Ning B, and Tang T, An energy-efficient scheduling approach to improve the utilization of regenerative energy for metro rail systems, Transportation Research Part C, Vol.57, 13-29, 2015.

[61] Wei MY, Li X, and Yu LA, Time-dependent fuzzy random location-scheduling programming for hazardous materials transportation, Transportation Research Part C, Vol.57, 146-165, 2015.

[62] Wei MY, Yu LA, and Li X, Credibilistic location-routing model for hazardous materials transportation, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol.30, 23-39, 2015.

[63] Yang X, Li X, Ning B, and Tang T, An optimization method for train scheduling with minimum energy consumption and travel time in metro rail system, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol.3, No.2, 79-98, 2015.

[64] Xu X, Li K, and Li X, Research on passenger flow and energy consumption in a subway system with fuzzy passenger arrival rates, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol.229, No.8, 863-874, 2015.

[65] Li X, and Lo Hong K, Energy minimization in dynamic train scheduling and control for metro rail operations, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.70, 269-284, 2014.

[66] Li X, and Lo Hong K, An energy-efficient scheduling and speed control approach for metro rail operations, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.64, 73-89, 2014.

[67] Li X, Shou B, and Dan R, Train rescheduling with stochastic recovery time: A new track-backup approach, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A, Vol.44, No.9, 1216-1233, 2014.

[68] Su S, Tang T, Li X, and Gao Z, Optimization of multitrain operations in a subway system, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, No.2, 673-684, 2014.

[69] Yang X, Ning B, Li X, and Tang T, A two-objective timetable optimization model in subway systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, No.5, 1913-1921, 2014.

[70] Zhang X, and Li X, A semantic study of the first-order predicate logic with uncertainty involved, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.13, 357-367, 2014.

[71] Yang X, Li X, Gao Z, Wang H, and Tang T, A cooperative scheduling model for timetable optimization in subway systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.14, No.1, 438-447, 2013.

[72] Su S, Li X, Tang T, and Gao Z, A subway train timetable optimization approach based on energy-efficient operation strategy, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.14, No.2, 883-893, 2013.

[73] Li X, Wang D, Li K, and Gao Z, A green train scheduling model and fuzzy multi-objective optimization algorithm, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.37, 2063-2073, 2013.

[74] Li X, Wong HS, and Wu S, A fuzzy minimax clustering model and its applications, Information Sciences, Vol.186, 114-125, 2012.

[75] Li X, Shou BY, and Qin ZF, An expected regret minimization portfolio selection model, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.218, 484-492, 2012.

[76] Yao K, and Li X, Uncertain alternating renewal process and its application, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.20, No.6, 1154-1160, 2012.

[77] Li X, Qin Z, Yang L, and Li K, Entropy maximization model for trip distribution problem with fuzzy and random parameters, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235, 1906-1913, 2011.

[78] Li X, Qin Z, and Kar S, Mean-variance-skewness model for portfolio selection with fuzzy returns, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.202, 239-247, 2010.

[79] Li X, and Liu B, Foundation of credibilistic logic, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.8, No.1, 91-102, 2009.

[80] Qin Z, Li X, and Ji X, Portfolio selection based on fuzzy cross-entropy, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.228, 139-149, 2009.

[81] Li X, Zhang Y, Wong SH, and Qin Z, A hybrid intelligent algorithm for portfolio selection problem with fuzzy returns, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.233, No.2, 264-278, 2009.

[82] Li X, and Wong SH, Logic optimality for multi-objective optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.215, 3045-3056, 2009.

[83] Li X, and Liu B, A sufficient and necessary condition for credibility measures, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.14, No.5, 527-535, 2006.

[84] 李想,聂发鹏,张艺,竞争环境下考虑长短途乘客的巡游车定价策略,管理科学学报,28(01), 17-28, 2025

[85] 冯紫嫣,李想,昌锡铭,吴建军,基于时空需求预测的共享单车动态搬运与回收优化研究,系统工程理论与实践,2024.

[86] 李想,李亚男,马红光,考虑乘客效用的多元化共享出行平台协同定价策略研究,中国管理科学,32(7), 172-180, 2024

[87] 李想,蔡晓越,孙珂,基于排队博弈的网约车信息披露策略与服务模式选择研究,系统工程理论与实践,43(5), 1465-1483, 2023.

[88] 杨荟,周建栋,李想,基于节能的地铁时刻表随机机会约束规划模型,系统工程学报,33(02), 197-211, 2018


[1] 一种数据驱动的交通枢纽到达客流量分解-集成预测方法,2023-12-16


[2] 基于大数据的无桩共享单车运营调度策略优化方法及系统,2023-7-11


[3] 一种获得城市交通集成传感设施的铺设最优方案的方法,2023-2-3


[4] 公交线路车辆排班计划两阶段生成方法及程序产品,2022-04-20


[5] 多车型定制公交运营优化方法,2022-09-02


[6] 一种基于混合智能算法的地铁安全防撞时刻表优化方法,2022-05-12


[7] 一种混合能源车队配送路径优化方法,2023-06-15


[8] 一种订单指派与车辆路径优化方法、装置及设备,2022-09-14


[9] 一种基于深度学习枢纽网约车需求预测与调度一体化方法,2023-08-21      


[10] 一种基于拉格朗日松弛算法的双层车辆路径规划方法,2024-04-15


[11] 一种面向交通枢纽到达客流疏散的多出行模式组合调度方法,2021-03-05


[12] 一种数据驱动的城市交通流速模式识别与实时预测预警方法,2021-03-05


[13] 一种基于自适应邻域搜索算法的共享单车搬运优化方法,2021-03-12


[14] 基于全程车与区间车组合调度的公交线路串车优化方法,2020-12-15


[15] 一种基于大数据的地面公交固定线路时刻表的优化方法,2018-09-11


[16] 一种平均等待时间可控的电动汽车换电站选址优化方法,2022-08-15


[17] 一种网约车需求模式识别与短时需求预测方法,2023-02-24


[18] 基于站台冗余的列车运行图调整方法和系统,2015-07-01


[19] 危险化学品运输的模糊双层优化方法,2015-05-24


[20] 一种基于变权风险的危险化学品多仓库车辆路径优化方法,2020-11-17    


[21] 一种危化品多车型运输的半开放式车辆路径优化方法,2019-12-18


[22] 一种危化品园区泄露事故的应急人员疏散路线设计方法,2023-05-18


[23] 一种装载灭火弹的森林消防救援车辆路径优化方法,2022-08-23


[24] 面向森林防火的空地一体化救援车辆路径优化方法,2023-03-14


[25] 森林防火预警通讯设备的铺设方案确定方法,2022-05-18



[1] 教育部自然科学奖二等奖(2022):危化品道路运输风险防控理论与方法,排名第一

[2] 教育部人文社科奖三等奖(2019):An energy-efficient scheduling and speed control approach for metro rail operations,排名第一

[3] 教育部自然科学奖一等奖(2019):大城市复杂交通流特性分析及管控策略研究

[4] 河北省自然科学奖二等奖(2018):不确定信息简约理论与参数可信性优化方法

[5] 北京市科学技术奖二等奖(2017):城市公共交通精细化运营组织与精准化信息服务关键技术与应用

[6] 教育部自然科学奖一等奖(2015):列车运行组织优化理论与方法

[7] 教育部霍英东青年教师奖三等奖(2014)


[1] 李想,徐小峰,张博文,运筹学教程,科学出版社,2022

[2] 李想,优化与预测,清华大学出版社,2024