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余碧莹,betway唯一官网教授,博士生导师。国家级领军人才,国家级青年人才,第十七届中国青年科技奖获得者。现任betway唯一官网能源与环境政策研究中心副主任,兼任中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理分会副秘书长、常务理事等。受邀担任Applied Energy等多份期刊的领域编辑或副主编。2012年获日本广岛大学工学博士学位,曾任日本京都大学JSPS特别研究员、英国伦敦大学(UCL)访问研究员、日本广岛大学助理教授。

长期从事能源与环境管理的研究和教学工作,在能源系统建模、碳减排技术经济管理、全球气候政策设计等领域开展了系列研究工作。主持了包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发“科技冬奥”专项课题、国家统计局重大统计专项等重要科研任务10余项。在《自然》子刊Nature Energy, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications等国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文60余篇。多项成果被遴选为《自然》期刊重点关注(全球不超过1%入选)和亮点研究,得到联合国IPCC报告正面引用以及泰晤士报、卫报、人民网等50多个国家主流媒体的广泛关注和报道。


2009.10 ~ 2012.9    日本广岛大学    工学博士学位

2007.9 ~ 2009.7     北京交通大学    交通运输规划与管理硕士学位

2003.9 ~ 2007.7     北京交通大学    交通运输类学士学位


2019.08至今        betway唯一官网管理与经济学院           教授,博士生导师

2015.11~2019.07     betway唯一官网管理与经济学院           副教授,博士生导师

2013.11~2015.11  日本京都大学工学部环境工学研究科        JSPS外国人特别研究员

2012.11~2013.2   英国伦敦大学能源研究所 (UCL Energy Institute)       访问学者

2012.10 ~ 2013.10 日本广岛大学国际协力研究科                       助理教授



[1] 余碧莹,张俊杰等著. 时间利用行为与低碳管理. 北京:科学出版社, 2022年.

[2] 魏一鸣,廖华,余碧莹,唐葆君等著. 中国能源报告(2018):能源密集型部门绿色转型研究. 北京:科学出版社, 2018年.

[3] Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA, Integrated analysis of household energy consumption behavior across the residential and transport sectors, in: Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. (Eds.), Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia, Springer, Japan, pp. 197-216, Chapter 9, May, 2013 (in English).

[4] Biying YU, Low-carbon development in the transportation sector, in: Y.M. Wei, L.C. Liu, H. Liao, CO2 Emissions and Low Carbon Development in China, Science Press, Beijing, Chapter 7 (2017) [ISBN 978-7-03-051428-8] (in Chinese).

[5] Biying YU and Junyi ZHANG, Household energy consumption behavior, in: Zhang, J. (Eds.), Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy, Springer Japan, pp. 123-148 & 403-421, 2017 (in Japanese).

2)部分 SCI/SSCI期刊论文(* 为通讯作者

[1] Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei*, Gomi Kei, Yuzuru Matsuoka (2018). Future scenarios for energy consumption and carbon emissions due to demographic transitions in Chinese households. Nature Energy 3, 109-118. (SCI)

[2] Yi-Ming Wei*, Ron Han, Ce Wang, Biying Yu*, Qiao-Mei Liang*, Xiao-Chen Yuan,*, Junjie Chang, Qingyu Zhao, Hua Liao, Baojun Tang, Jinyue Yan, Lijing Cheng, Zili Yang (2020). Self-preservation strategy for approaching global warming targets in the post-Paris Agreement era. Nature Communications 11, 1624. (SCI)

[3] Yi-Ming Wei*, Jia-Ning Kang, Lan-Cui Liu*, Qi Li, Peng-Tao Wang, Juan-Juan Hou, Qiao-Mei Liang, Hua Liao, Shi-Feng Huang, Biying Yu*(2021). A proposed global layout of carbon capture and storage in line with a 2 °C climate target. Nature Climate Change 11, 112–118.

[4] Xiaoyang Wang, Biying Yu*, Runying An*, Feihu Sun, Shuo Xu (2022). An integrated analysis of China’s iron and steel industry towards carbon neutrality. Applied Energy 322, 119453.

[5] Biying Yu*, Feihu Sun, Chen Chen, Guanpeng Fu, Lin Hu (2022). Power demand response in the context of smart home application. Energy 240, 122774. (SCI)

[6] Biying Yu*, Zihao Zhao, Guangpu Zhao, Runying An, Feihu Sun, Ru Li, Xiaohan Peng (2021). Provincial renewable energy dispatch optimization in line with Renewable Portfolio Standard policy in China. Renewable Energy 174, 236-252. (SCI)

[7] Biying Yu*, Qingyu Zhao, Yi-Ming Wei (2021). Review of carbon leakage under regionally differentiated climate policies. Science of the Total Environment 782, 146765. (SCI)

[8] Biying Yu*, Zihao Zhao, Shuai Zhang*, Runying An, Jingming Chen, Ru Li, Guangpu Zhao (2021). Technological development pathway for a low-carbon primary aluminum industry in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173, 121052. (SCI)

[9] Guangpu Zhao, Biying Yu*, Runying An, Yun Wu, Zihao Zhao (2021). Energy system transformations and carbon emission mitigation for China to achieve global 2°C climate target. Journal of Environmental Management 292, 112721. (SCI)

[10] Biying Yu*, Xiaojuan Yang, Qingyu Zhao, Jinxiao Tan (2020). Causal Effect of Time-Use Behavior on Residential Energy Consumption in China. Ecological Economics 175, 106706. (SCI)

[11] Cheng-Yao Zhang, Biying Yu*, Jing-Ming Chen, Yi-Ming Wei (2021). Green transition pathways for cement industry in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 166, 105355.

[12] Rujie Yu, Huanhuan Ren, Yong Liu, Biying Yu* (2021). Gap between on-road and official fuel efficiency of passenger vehicles in China. Energy Policy 152, 112236. (SCI)

[13] Biying Yu, Runying An, Guangpu Zhao (2020). Spatial and temporal disparity of the in-use steel stock for China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 155, 104667. (SCI)

[14] Yi-Ming Wei*, Biying Yu, Hui Li, Jia-Ning Kang, Jin-Wei Wang, Wei-Ming Chen (2019). Climate engineering management: an emerging interdisciplinary subject. Journal of Modelling in Management 15(2), 685-702, https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-09-2019-0219.

[15] Biying Yu, Junjie Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei* (2019). Time use and carbon dioxide emissions accounting: An empirical analysis from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 215, 582-599. (SCI)

[16] Biying Yu, Guangpu Zhao, Runying An (2019). Framing the picture of energy consumption in China. Nature Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03576-6. (SCI)

[17] Bao-Jun Tang, Xiao-Yi Li, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). How app-based ride-hailing services influence travel behavior: An empirical study from China. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2019.1584932. (SSCI)

[18] Jingming Chen, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). CO2 emissions accounting for the chemical industry: An empirical analysis for China. Nature Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03589-1. (SCI)

[19] Xi Li, Biying Yu* (2019). Peaking CO2 emissions for China’s urban passenger transport sector. Energy Policy 133, 110913. (SCI)

[20] Bao-Jun Tang, Xiao-Yi Li, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). Sustainable Development Pathway for Intercity Passenger Transport:A case study of China. Applied Energy 226, 862-88. (SCI)

[21] Runying An, Biying Yu*, Ru Li, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Potential of energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction in China’s iron and steel industry. Applied Energy 226, 862-88. (SCI)

[22] Cheng-Yao Zhang, Rong Han, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Accounting process-related CO2 emissions from global cement production under shared socioeconomic pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production 184 (284), 451-465. (SCI)

[23] Yuanyuan Liang, Biying Yu*, Lu Wang (2018). Costs and benefits of renewable energy development in China’s power industry. Renewable Energy 131, 700-712. (SCI)

[24] Yi-Ming Wei*, Rong Han, Qiao-Mei Liang*, Bi-Ying Yu* etc. (2018). An integrated assessment of INDCs under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: an implementation of C3IAM. Natural Hazards 92 (2), 585-618. (SSCI)

[25] Baojun Tang, Ru Li, Biying Yu*, Runying An, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). How to peak carbon emissions in China’s power sector: A Regional Perspective. Energy Policy 120, 365-381. (SCI)

[26] Junjie Zhang, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Heterogeneous impacts of households on carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese provinces. Applied Energy 229, 236-252. (SCI)

[27] Meimei Xue, Biying Yu*, Yunfei Du, Bin Wang, Baojun Tang, Yi-Ming Wei* (2018). Possible emissions reduction from ride-sourcing travel in a global megacity: The case of Beijing. Journal of Environment and Development 27(2), 156-185. (SCI)

[28] Jing-Ming Chen, Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Energy technology roadmap for ethylene industry in China. Applied Energy 224, 160-174. (SCI)

[29] Pu Yang, Yun-Fei Yao, Zhi-Fu Mi, Yun-Fei Cao, Hua-Liao, Biying Yu, Qiao-Mei Liang, D'Maris Coffman, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Social cost of carbon under shared socioeconomic pathways. Global Environmental Change 53, 225-232. (SCI)

[30] Junjie Zhang, Biying Yu*, Jiawei Cai, Yi-Ming Wei (2017). Impacts of household income change on CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis of China. Journal of Cleaner Production 157, 190-200. (SCI)

[31] Biying Yu, Ye Ma, Meimei Xue, Baojun Tang, Bin Wang, Jinyue Yan, Yi-Ming Wei* (2017). Environmental benefits from ridesharing: A case of Beijing. Applied Energy 191, 141-152. (SCI)

[32] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang, Xia Li (2017). Dynamic life course analysis on residential location choice. Transportation Research Part A:Policy and Practice 104, 281-292. (SSCI)

[33] Biying Yu*, Yaming Tian and Junyi Zhang (2015). A dynamic active energy demand management system for evaluating the effect of policy scheme on household energy consumption behavior. Energy 91, 491-506. (SCI)

[34] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang (2015). Modeling household energy consumption behavior: A comparative analysis. Transportation Research Part D 39, 126-140. (SCI)

[35] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2015). Who rebounds in the private transport sector? A comparative analysis between Beijing and Tokyo. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 43 (3), 561-579. (SSCI)

[36] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). Rebound effects caused by the improvement of vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on a SP-off-RP Survey. Transportation Research Part D 24, 62-68. (SCI)

[37] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: A case study of Beijing. Energy Policy 57, 441-453. (SCI)

[38] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). A household time use and energy consumption model with multiple behavioral interactions. Environment and Planning B 40(2), 330-349. (SSCI)

[39] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2012). Analysis of the residential location choice and household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects. Energy Policy 46, 319-334. (SCI)

[40] Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2011). Representing in-home and out-of-home energy consumption behavior in Beijing. Energy Policy 39, 4168-4177. (SCI)

[41] 魏一鸣,余碧莹,唐葆君,刘兰翠等(2022). 中国碳达峰碳中和路径优化方法. betway唯一官网学报 (社会科学版), 24(4): 3-12.

[42] 魏一鸣,余碧莹,唐葆君,刘兰翠等(2022).中国碳达峰碳中和时间表与路线图研究. betway唯一官网学报 (社会科学版), 24(4): 13-26.

[43] 余碧莹,赵光普,安润颖,陈景明,谭锦潇,李晓易(2021). 碳中和目标下中国碳排放路径研究. betway唯一官网学报 (社会科学版), 23(2): 17-24.


[1] 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,72225010,碳减排政策建模及应用研究, 2023/01-2027/12,在研,主持

[2] 国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”重点专项课题,2021YFF0307003,冬奥赛事全景式碳排放智能管控与交互技术及示范,2021/08-2022/12,在研,主持

[3] 北京市自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目,JQ19035, 能源系统绿色转型路径优化方法及其应用研究,2019.11-2022.12, 在研,主持

[4] 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金,171073,不确定性条件下能源转型政策分析方法及应用研究, 2020/01-2022/12,在研,主持

[5] 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,71822401,能源与气候政策综合集成分析方法及应用,2019/01-2021/12, 结题,主持

[6] 国家统计局重大统计专项,2021ZX11,基于时间利用数据的民生福祉改善研究,2021.08-2022.08, 结题,主持






E-mail: yubiying_bj@bit.edu.cn