主要的研究方向包括基于大数据的环境风险、环境健康、环境政策评估。在Nature Nanotechnology、The Innovation、Engineering、Environmental Science & Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Science & Policy等国际顶级期刊上发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项,中国博士后科学基金面上资助1项,作为核心人员参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体、国家自然科学基金重大项目等多项国家重要科研任务。
2016.09–2021.06 南京大学,环境学院,环境科学与工程专业,理学博士
2018.09–2020.03 美国波士顿大学,公共卫生学院,环境健康系,公派联合培养博士
2012.09–2016.06 南京大学,环境学院,环境科学与工程专业,理学学士
2023.11–至今 betway唯一官网,必威BETWAY官方网站,副教授,特别研究员
2021.07–2023.10 清华大学,环境学院,环境科学与工程专业,博士后,助理研究员
1. Qi Zhou, Shen Qu*, Liu Miaomiao, Jianxun Yang, Jia Zhou, Jun Bi. Enhancing Efficiency of Enterprise Shutdown for Environmental Protection: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach with High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Data. Engineering, 2024, Accepted.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
2. Qi Zhou, Shen Qu*, Qianzi Wang, Yunlei She, Yang Yu, Jun Bi. Sliding window-based machine learning for environmental inspection resource allocation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57: 16743-16754.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
3. Qi Zhou, Xin Wang, Ye Shu, Li Sun, Zhou Jin, Zongwei Ma, Miaomiao Liu*, Jun Bi, Patrick L. Kinney. A stochastic exposure model integrating random forest and agent-based approaches: Evaluation for PM2.5 in Jiangsu, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 431: 128639.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
4. Qi Zhou#, Shen Qu#, Jiongchao Ding, Miaomiao Liu*, Xianjin Huang, Jun Bi, John S. Ji, Patrick L. Kinney. Association between PM2.5 and daily pharmacy visit tendency in China: A time series analysis using mobile phone cellular signaling data, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 340: 130688.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
5. Qi Zhou, Nuo Chen, Xin Pan, Xue Xu, Beibei Liu, Miaomiao Liu*, Jun Bi, Patrick L. Kinney. Characterizing air pollution risk perceptions among high-educated young generations in China: How does risk experience influence risk perception. Environmental Science & Policy, 2021, 123: 99-105.(SCI-Q1,中科院2区)
6. Qi Zhou, Jianxun Yang, Miaomiao Liu*, Yang Liu, Stefanie Sarnat, Jun Bi. Toxicological risk by inhalation exposure of air pollution emitted from China’s municipal solid waste incineration. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(20): 11490-11499.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
7. Shen Qu*, Yunlei She, Qi Zhou**, Jasper Verschuur, Lu-Tao Zhao, Huan Liu, Ming Xu, Yi-Ming Wei. Modeling the Dynamic Impacts of the Maritime Network Blockage on Global Supply Chains. The Innovation, 2024, Accepted. (中科院1区& IF 33.1)
8. Jia Zhou, Jinnan Wang*, Jun Bi, Qi Zhou*. Comprehensive evaluation of air pollution emission permit allocation: Effectiveness, efficiency, and equity in China's environmental management framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434: 139855.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
9. Siyi Wei, Qi Zhou*, Ziqun Luo, Yunlei She, Qianzi Wang, Jiayang Chen, Yiming Wei, Shen Qu*. Economic impacts of multiple natural disasters and agricultural adaptation measures on supply chains in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 418: 138095.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
10. Qianzi Wang, Qi Zhou*, Jin Lin, Sen Guo, Yunlei She, Shen Qu*. Risk assessment of power outages to inter-regional supply chain networks in China. Applied Energy, 2023, 353: 122100.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
11. Jia Zhou, Jinnan Wang*, Jun Bi, Qi Zhou*, Kun Luo, Qing Wang, Wenbo Xue, Zhanfeng Dong, Chazhong Ge. Environmental quality-oriented air pollution emission permit allocation methods: A plant-level study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 381: 135205.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
12. Gong Zhang, Yongqi Li, Chenxuan Zhao, Jiabao Gu, Gang Zhou, Yanfeng Shi, Qi Zhou, Feng Xiao, Wen-jie Fu, Qingbai Chen, Qinghua Ji, Jiuhui Qu, Huijuan Liu*. Redox-neutral electrochemical decontamination of hypersaline wastewater with high technology readiness level. Nature Nanotechnology, 2024, Accepted. (中科院1区& IF 39.9)
13. Yunlei She, Jiayang Chen, Qi Zhou, Liping Wang, Kai Duan, Ranran Wang, Shen Qu*, Ming Xu, Yong Zhao. Evaluating Losses from Water Scarcity and Benefits of Water Conservation Measures to Intercity Supply Chains in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(2): 1119-1130. (中科院1区& IF 11.4)
14. Jiong Lu, Qi Zhou, Weixiao Qi, Shen Qu*, Jun Bi. The heterogeneous effects of Chinese industrial parks on environmental pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 896: 165279.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
15. Wen Fang, Ye Shu, Qi Zhou, Miaomiao Liu*, Jun Bi. Assessing the short-term effects of ozone exposure on the indicator of pharmacy visits in Nanjing based on mobile phone big data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 379: 134823.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
16. Dianyu Zhu, Qi Zhou, Miaomiao Liu*, Jun Bi. Non-optimum temperature-related mortality burden in China: Addressing the dual influences of climate change and urban heat islands. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 782: 146760.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
17. Xin Wang, Jianxun Yang, Qi Zhou, Miaomiao Liu*, Jun Bi. Mapping the exchange between embodied economic benefits and CO2 emissions among Belt and Road Initiative countries. Applied Energy, 2021, 307: 118206.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
18. Jianxun Yang, Qi Zhou, Xingyu Liu, Miaomiao Liu*, Shen Qu*, Jun Bi. Biased perception misguided by affect: How does emotional experience lead to incorrect judgments about environmental quality? Global Environmental Change, 2018, 53: 104-113.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
19. Daniel Bi, Yanyan Qiu, Haoran Cheng, Qi Zhou, Xingyu Liu, Jing Chen, Xingyi Cui, Miaomiao Liu*, Zheng Zhu*. Seasonal characteristics of indoor and outdoor fine particles and their metallic compositions in Nanjing, China. Building and Environment, 2018, 137: 118-126.(SCI-Q1,中科院Top)
20. 曲申*,王千姿,林瑾,张佳琪,贲雅雯,周琪**. 中国电力供应可靠性经济价值评估,科技导报, 2024, 42(7): 1-16. (中文核心& IF 1.9)
21. 周琪,于洋,刘苗苗*,毕军.基于机器学习和非参数估计的PM2.5风险评估,中国环境科学, 2022, 42(8): 3554-3560.(EI-北大核心)
22. 周琪,许津铭,刘苗苗*,毕军.我国环境费效分析方法的特点与应用潜力分析,中国环境管理, 2018, 10(1): 20-24.(CSSCI拓展版)
23. 佘运磊,周琪,曲申*.中国洪涝灾害的产业链动态损失评估,betway唯一官网学报(社会科学版), 2023, 25(1): 27-42.(EI-北大核心)
24. 曲申*,陈炜明*,刘丽静*,胡宇辰,佘运磊,翟炳阳,周琪.后疫情重建阶段的碳排放趋势与减排策略研究,中国环境管理, 2021, 13(03): 8-18.(CSSCI拓展版)
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,52200228,大数据视角下的自然灾害区域环境风险研究,30万元,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持
2. 中国博士后科学基金,面上资助,2022M721817,区域环保政策对全国环境经济网络动态演化的影响研究,8万元,2022.11-2023.10,结题,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52370189,基于因果与可解释机器学习的城镇污水厂温室气体核算与减排策略研究,51万元,2024.01-2027.12,在研,主要参与者
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,72174084,居民消费驱动的大气污染健康风险的公平性研究,49万元,2022.01-2025.12,在研,主要参与者
5. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2016YFC0207607,典型省份大气污染防治费用效益综合评估与应用示范,305万元,2016.07-2019.12,结题,主要参与者
6. 瑞士再保险公司,横向项目,环境污染责任保险全过程风险决策支持体系(二期),70.9万元,2020.01-2020.12,结题,主要参与者
7. 瑞士再保险公司,横向项目,环境污染责任保险全过程风险决策支持体系(一期),186万元,2018.08-2018.10,结题,主要参与者