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厉洋军,信息系统博士,必威BETWAY官方网站管理工程系预聘助理教授、特别副研究员、硕士生导师。博士毕业于香港城市大学商学院信息系统专业,研究兴趣为网络治理、电子商务、健康行为与管理等。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,并参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。目前已在《Journal of the Association for Information Systems》、《Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology》、《Decision Support Systems》、《Information & Management》、《管理科学》、《管理评论》等信息管理和信息系统国内外重要学术期刊上发表学术论文10余篇,担任ISJ、JIT、JSIS、I&M、DSS、IJIM等10余个国际期刊审稿人,Internet Research编委会成员,ICIS、PACIS、ECIS、CNAIS等信息系统国际会议程序委员会成员等。


2022/12 -至今 必威BETWAY官方网站 管理工程系 预聘助理教授

2018/09-2022/10 香港城市大学 信息系统博士

2015/09-2018/06 武汉大学 管理科学与工程硕士

2011/09-2015/06 武汉大学 管理学学士


[1]. Y.J. Li, C.M.K. Cheung, X.L. Shen and M.K.O. Lee, "Doxing on Social Networking Sites: An Extension of the Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, forthcoming. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.149, JCR Q1, FMS A, ABDC A*, ABS 4*).

[2]. Y.J. Li, C.M.K. Cheung, X.L. Shen and M.K.O. Lee, "Promoting Collaborative Learning in Virtual Worlds: The Power of 'We'", Information Technology & People, Vol. 36, Issue 6, 2023, pp. 2563-2586. (SSCI, IF: 4.4, JCR Q2, FMS B, ABDC A, ABS 3).

[3]. Y.J. Li, C.M.K. Cheung, X.L. Shen and M.K.O. Lee, "When Socialization Goes Wrong: Understanding We-Intention to Participate in Collective Trolling in Virtual Communities", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 678-706. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 5.149, JCR Q1, FMS A, ABDC A*, ABS 4*).

[4]. X.L. Shen, Y.J. Li, Y. Sun, J. Chen and F. Wang, "Knowledge Withholding in Online Knowledge Spaces: Social Deviance Behavior and Secondary Control Perspective", Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 70, Issue 4, 2019, pp. 385-401. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 3.275, JCR Q2, FMS A, ABDC A*, ABS 3).

[5]. X.L. Shen, Y.J. Li, Y. Sun and N. Wang, "Channel Integration Quality, Perceived Fluency and Omnichannel Service Usage: The Moderating Roles of Internal and External Usage Experience", Decision Support Systems, Vol. 109, 2018, pp. 61-73. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 6.969, JCR Q1, FMS A, ABS 3, ABDC A*).

[6]. X.L. Shen, Y.J. Li, Y. Sun and F. Wang, "Good for Use, but Better for Choice: A Relative Model of Competing Social Networking Services", Information & Management, Vol. 58, Issue 3, 2021. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 10.328, JCR Q1, FMS B, ABDC A*, ABS 3).

[7]. X.L. Shen, Y.J. Li, Y. Sun, Z. Chen and F. Wang, "Understanding the Role of Technology Attractiveness in Promoting Social Commerce Engagement: Moderating Effect of Personal Interest", Information & Management, Vol. 56, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 294-305. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 10.328, JCR Q1, FMS B, ABDC A*, ABS 3).

[8]. X.L. Shen, Y.J. Li, Y. Sun and Y. Zhou, "Person-Environment Fit, Commitment, and Customer Contribution in Online Brand Community: A Nonlinear Model", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 85, 2018, pp. 117-126. (SSCI, IF: 10.969, JCR Q1, FMS B, ABDC A, ABS 3, ESI).





Internet Research年度最佳审稿人 (2021)

香港城市大学Research Tuition Scholarship (2020; 2021)

香港城市大学Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (2019; 2020; 2021)




